Cuba's Biological Weapons
Remesas: $32,000 millones de dólares en 2002
Cuba is ready to buy from the U.S.:
Cambios en el Gobierno cubano
En Estados Unidos hoy:
A Gerardo Hernández Nordelo:
Navegar en aguas calientes
Declaración del Embajador norteamericano en La Habana
El embargo norteamericano a Cuba
Mesa Redonda de TV Cubana sobre los secuestros
Sobre desacreditar nuestra dignidad nacional
Otro millonario "soviético"
Con la gracia y el permiso de los orishas...
El progreso y la humanidad
No hay espacio para cabellos negros ni cutis morenos
Many in the Administration prayed
Cuba, Mexico quietly heal rift
Mexico's foreing policy towards Cuba
A 43 años del 17 de marzo de 1960
Incorporar el sur de la Florida a la Unión
The Cuban Nation newspaper. Founded in 1999.
Printed in Hialeah, Offices in Little Havana,
Miami-Dade County, Florida - USA.
Director: Lic. Pedro González-Munné
$12.00 by First Class US mail.
PO. Box 114012, Miami, FL 33111-4012.
For advertisement and subscriptions,
please call: (305) 446-8076 or
We are the largest and most comprehensive alternative newspaper of the Cuban American community in the United Sates and Puerto Rico. Since 1999.
Wilson Int. Charters
Design and advertising services by:
Since 1999 - Offices in Little Havana (FL) - Printed in Hialeah (FL)
+10,000 in previous counter
Index - Year 4 - Vol. 5 - Edition 47
March, 2003
Gulfstream Int. Charters
Afirmó Canciller Perez Roque en conferencia de prensa, precisando que el texto aprobado no es una condena a Cuba.
Reacciones de la mafia de Miami
"Cuba believes that the U.S. attempt to condemn the island at the UN Human Rights Commission (HRC) was a deafening defeat ," confirmed Felipe Pérez Roque at a press conference.
Las posibles medidas de EE.UU. contra Cuba están previstas y serán enfrentadas.
The possible U.S. measures against Cuba have been anticipated and will be confronted.